These pesticides kill both insects and eggs

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1.Acetozole: It has effect on eggs and young mites, but not on adult mites. However, it has good sterility effect on female adult mites. Therefore, the best control time of acetozole is the early stage of mite damage.

2.Spirodiclofen : Kill egg larvae: Spiroxide has a particularly good effect on killing eggs, and it also has a good touch effect on young mites.

3.Bifenazate : The control objects of biphenyl hydrazine ester are very wide, including: Tetrachroid mite, red spider acacia acacia, apple red spider, citrus red spider, southern small claw mite, spruce small claw mite, egg killing effect is strong. It has no effect on rust mite, planus mite and Magnolia mite.

4. Fenpyroximate : Control mite pests eggs, young mites, mites, adult mites, rust tick also has an effect.

5. Methomyl: It has the effects of palpation and gastric toxicity, without internal aspiration or fumigation. It has certain ovicidal effect, and it also has a good control effect on the pests that have developed resistance to organophosphorus.

6.Phoxim :It has wide insecticidal spectrum, strong knockout force, mainly with palpation and gastric toxicity, and has no endosuction effect. It is very effective to phosphoptera larvae and has certain ovicidal effect.

7.Diflubenzuron: It has gastric toxicity, touch and egg killing effect. Residual effect 15-20 days, low toxicity. It is effective against Lepidoptera larvae, Coleoptera and diptera pests, but not against stinging pests.

Post time: Nov-17-2022