What effect does elemental chlorine have on crops ?

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Chlorine is one of the 17 elements necessary for crop growth, and chlorine is the most abundant of the seven trace elements necessary for crops.  If the crop lacks chlorine, leaf margins wilt, young leaves lose green, root elongation is strongly blocked, roots are thin and short, and lateral roots are rare. 

In a certain range, chlorine can promote the development of crops, but when the concentration is too high, the dosage is too large, and the time is too long, it will inhibit the normal growth of crops, produce chlorine toxicity, resulting in crop yield and even crop failure. 


Effects of chlorine on crops

1. Participate in photosynthesis. It is involved in the reaction of water dissociation and oxygen release in the photosynthetic system, which is preferentially accumulated in the chloroplast and plays a protective role in the stability of chlorophyll. 

2, regulate stomatal movement. Regulating the osmotic pressure and stomatal opening and closing of crop cells is beneficial to the absorption of nutrients, affecting water transpiration and improving drought resistance. 

3, affect the absorption of crop nutrients. It is beneficial for crops to absorb nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, sulfur, manganese, copper and iron. 

4, induced nutrient deficiency.When the level of chloride ion in soil is too high, it will increase the soil osmotic potential and limit the absorption of other nutrients such as nitrogen and sulfur, resulting in the lack of crop nutrients. 

5, affect the growth and development of crops. Too high chloride ion will reduce germination rate, inhibit growth, reduce chlorophyll content, gray leaves, necrotic growth points, resulting in a large number of fallen leaves and fruit. 

6, reduce the quality of crops More chloride ions were not conducive to the conversion of sugar into starch, the starch content of root and tuber crops would be reduced, and the quality of crops would be poor.  Chloride ions can promote the hydrolysis of carbohydrates, so that the sugar content of watermelon, beet, grape and so on is reduced, but the acidity is increased, and the flavor is not good.  More chloride ions will affect the burning degree of tobacco, cigarette flameout easily;  Long chloride ions often harm the seedlings of sensitive crops.  Ginger fields with chlorine-containing fertilizer, to the autumn harvest, ginger mother will appear a layer of rust red spot, seriously affecting the price of ginger mother. 

Correct control of chlorine-containing fertilizer application

Chlorinated fertilizers are not banned, but are treated differently according to the soil, crop, season, amount and dosage. 

1. In areas with soil chlorine content less than 50 mg/kg, crops with chlorine capacity more than 100 mg/kg can apply potassium chloride according to their potassium nutrient needs. 

2.Cotton, hemp and legumes prefer chlorine-containing fertilizers;  Chlorine-containing fertilizers are allowed for field crops such as wheat, corn and rice.

3.Ginger, potato, ginseng, sweet potato, yam and other root and tuber crops avoid chlorine;  Watermelon, sugar beet, sugarcane and other crops avoid chlorine;  Chlorine-containing fertilizers should not be used in breeding and seedling.  Apple, citrus, grape, peach, kiwi, cherry and other fruit trees avoid chlorine;  All tobacco and tea are severely chlorinated. 

4.Apple trees are chlorine-repellent crops, but a small amount of chloride ions is beneficial to the fruit tree.  The state stipulates that the chloride ion content in fruit tree fertilizer should not exceed 3%. If it exceeds 3%, it will cause certain harm; if it exceeds 8%, it will cause serious harm; if it exceeds 15%, it may cause falling leaves, fruit falling and even death.  Therefore, low, medium or high chlorine fertilizers are prohibited for fruit tree crops. 

5.Chinese cabbage is not a chlorine-repellent crop, potassium chloride can be applied, but potassium sulfate is better than potassium chloride in the yield and quality of Chinese cabbage.  Tea tree (potassium chloride can increase production, good quality;  But the application of ammonium chloride can be toxic. 

Post time: Mar-28-2022